December 5, 2010 / by admin

Passion Matters

One of the huge mistakes people make is that they try to force an interest on themselves.

“You don’t Choose your passion, your passion choose you” – Jeff Bezos

Determining your passion is crucial to your career success. If you do not have a passion towards the career you chose, you will not put in the time, effort and hard-work it requires. I’ve been stuck in determining my passion and trying to figure out what i’m good at and what gets me excited, truthfully it was hard till i started trying different things, jobs, researching and discovering other aspects of work that makes me happy and satisfied.

Luckily i stumbled on my passion by finding myself casually assisting people with job questions and career needs. God started sending strangers to me to help guide on the process of getting your foot in the door, the Pre and Post grad candidates requirements, career transition, Increasing earning potentials.  i realized how much i personified other people struggles, i treated them like i will treat my situation, i devoted hours, days, and months to see that they got that dream career. It made me truly happy, it dawned on me that i was passionate about helping people get fulfillment out of their life because of what i went through to get to where i am in my career and i always say i wish i had the current me when i was going through my life roller coaster.

Right then is when i realized my purpose on this earth.
They say when you find that thing you love doing the most, inspiration becomes simple.

No one has to pay you
No one has to ask you
No one has to force you

You do what you do because you were sent here to do it.

I want to advise you to chase your passion, it will bring you happiness, satisfaction and more money. Get obsessed with it and pay it forward by reveling the secrets of why passion matters.
