I haven’t met anyone that became successful with no assistance.
Don’t be the enemy to your own progress by shutting your mouth when you know it’s time to ask questions, express your pain, seek for advice to an experienced professional.
Google is not your friend when it comes to personal matters and unique situations. Often times we need someone who can relate to us, who has done it, who wouldn’t lead us astray and who genuinely wants you to be great.
There are tons of opportunities out there but the truth is we don’t know what we don’t know, we don’t know what exactly cooperate america expects from us, reasons why they are not hiring us, we don’t know how to raise our salary by 50% and over, we don’t know when to stop being comfortable, when to quit a job and go into something different and exciting.
It it truly okay to ask for help if you know you can do better in your current situation. Don’t let pride get in the way of your success and say NO to fear.